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"Why shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction?

Fiction, after all, has to make sense."Mark Twain

English 281: Fiction Writing

Spring, 2017   CRN: 13343

Mondays – 6:00—9:05 pm

     This course offers you a chance to continue working on fiction begun in 205 or elsewhere, whether it’s short stories or a novel. We’ll delve into the techniques that fiction writers need to be successful, the conversations and readings that keep writers writing, and the language that every fiction writer needs to know. We’ll also discuss the wild world of publication.


But that’s not all. You’ll leave the class with:

  • A more finely-tuned novel or group of stories

  • Experience in the seminar/workshop atmosphere

  • The 20 best short stories or novels (as selected by you)


Who will be teaching the class?

Joe Kenyon, whose novel All The Living And The Dead was released in April, 2016 (Mill City Press), and whose short stories have been published in as many formats as humanly (and virtually) possible. Feel free to check him out further at


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